The Fatal series is a series of crime thriller/suspense novels by American novelist Bob Moats. The series follows Dave and Sarah as they must deal with a serial killer terrorizing their Washington town.


Teresa Burrell is an American novelist of legal suspense novels. She writes the Advocate series. Burrell ran a private law practice for 12 years, specializing in domestic, criminal and civil cases. She also had a teaching career and has taught kids of all ages, many different backgrounds as well as special needs children. In semi-retirement, […]


Richard Preston is an American author of medical suspense/thriller novels and non-fiction books. Preston has written fiction and non-fiction about topics such as bio-terrorism, viruses, redwood trees (a personal hobby) and more. He finished the Michael Crichton novel Micro following the author’s death. Richard is the brother of fellow bestselling novelist, Douglas Preston.


Arthur Hailey (1920-2004) was a British-Canadian novelist of thriller, suspense and police procedural novels. His novels are set in a single industry, including hotels, banks or airlines. He would research the subject for about a year, study his notes for another six months and then spend a year a half actually writing the novel. During […]


Kevin O’Brien is an American author of thriller and suspense novels. O’Brien studied Journalism at Marquette University in Milwaukee. He ended up working as a railroad inspector, while writing at night. He was given the advice not to quit his day job until the money he made from writing could support himself for two years […]


Karen Vail is the protagonist in a series of suspense/crime fiction novels by American novelist Alan Jacobson. Special Agent Karen Vail works as an FBI profiler. The stories are based on seven years worth of research Jacobson conducted with the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit.


Alan Jacobson is an American author of suspense, thriller and crime fiction novels. He writes the Karen Vail series. Jacobson was running a chiropractic practice when an injury forced him to have to sell his practice and become a novelist. Since then, he has spent 20 years researching and training with the FBI, DEA, US […]


Carmine Delmonico is the protagonist in a series of psychological suspense/mystery novels by Australian novelist Colleen McCullough. Lt. Delmonico is a detective working out of Connecticut during the mid-1960s.


Colleen McCullough is an Australian author of historical fiction, suspense novels and fantasy novels. She writes the Masters of Rome and Carmine Delmonico series. Before she became a writer, McCullough was a neuroscientist. She worked in the Department of Neurology at Yale Medical School for ten year, during which time she wrote her first two […]


David Levien is an American novelist of suspense novels in addition to being a screenwriter, director and producer. Many of David’s novels feature his Frank Behr character. He attended the University of Michigan. David collaborated on screenplays for the films Ocean’s Thirteen and Rounders and produced The Illusionist and The Lucky Ones.